Daniel Solheim

Daniel Solheim

Coach, Member
  • First Course: No Data
  • McGuire Region: Australia & New Zealand

My role as a Primary Coach forces me to constantly stay on top of my speech, something that I see as a major positive aspect of this role.

Hei, mitt navn er Daniel A. Solheim, jeg kommer fra Norge og jeg er 1988-modell. Jeg tok mitt først kurs i Oslo i 2003, så jeg er forholdsvis gammel i “gamet”. Fram til jeg tok min Primærtrener-eksamen i 2015 var min involvering og deltagelse innad i McGuire heller sporadisk, men siden har jeg prøvd å være med på ett kurs i året samt ha en aktiv tilstedeværelse. Jeg har coachet 5 studenter siden den tid, og det gir meg mye glede i å hjelpe nye studenter framover på “The Road Towards Eloquence” og å se disse lykkes i kanskje sitt livs tøffeste kamp. Rollen som Primærtrener gir meg i tillegg et stort incentiv til å holde min egen tale på et godt nivå, noe som er et stort pluss.Ellers jobber jeg som IT-konsulent i Stavanger og tilbringer mye tid ute i naturen sammen med min samboer Sandra. For mer informasjon om meg er hjemmesiden vår www.hverdagseventyr.com et meget godt utgangspunkt ????

Ser fram til å se både nye og gamle studenter på et framtidig McGuire-kurs!


Hello, my name is Daniel A. Solheim, I’m from Norway and I’m born in 1988. I had my first course in Oslo in 2003, so I guess I can be described as a rather “old grad”. Up till my Primary Coach exam in 2015, my involvement in the McGuire Programme was distant and sporadic, but since then I’ve tried to attend at least one course a year and to have a much more active involvement. I’ve coached 5 new students since my exam, and it gives me a lot of joy and satisfaction to help these brave people forward on “The Road Towards Eloquence” and to see them succeed in their probably toughest challenge yet. In addition, my role as a Primary Coach forces me to constantly stay on top of my speech, something that I see as a major positive aspect of this role. On the private side, I work as an IT consultant in Stavanger, Norway and I spend quite a lot of my spare time outdoors together with my girlfriend Sandra. If you would like to know even more about me and my endeavours, check out my webpage www.hverdagseventyr.com ????

I’m looking forward to seeing both new students and old grads on a future McGuire-course!


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